Cave Players are a drama group based in North and South Cave, East Yorkshire, who put on the annual village pantomime at the end of January as well as a range of other performances through the year including various Murder Mysteries. As we have been putting on productions since 1987, we also have a wide range of costumes and props available to hire, so contact us for more information.

Our 2024 pantomime was Little Red Riding Hood with the popular story of a girl with a red cape, a sick Granny and a Big Bad Wolf but with all the usual pantomime characters and a twist. It was a great success and was enjoyed by al who came to see it

We are always on the lookout for new members. Have you ever thought it would be fun to join a drama group but have been put off because you think you have to be a great actor? Well think again! Please contact us for more information. Our Blog provides further insight into the goings-on of Cave Players, have a read; and see what we’ve been up to! We are also on Social media, so like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram