Membership Form New Member Details :Name *First Line of Address *2nd Line of AddressCityPost CodeEmail Address *Telephone Number *Emergency Contact Details :NAME : *Relationship to You *Contact Number *In what capacity would you like to be involved in Cave Players? *LightingCostumeSet DecorationBack StageOn StagePropsFront of HouseWhat is your prefered method to recieve and reply to Cave Players Information? *Text/WhatsAppPostWebsitePhoneFacebookEmailDo you have any Medical conditions we need to be aware of? *YesNoIf Medical Condition please detail.Do Any Reasonable Adjstments need to be made? *YesNo(Please be aware that our backstage space is very limited so will not accommodate major adjustments.)If Reasonable Adjustments needed please input detail.Any Allergies we should be made aware of? *YesNoIf any allergies detail here.Do you require a responsible adult? *YesNoN/AWhilst we try to take care of people when in the WI Hall and North Cave Village Hall for rehearsals and performances, we cannot be responsible for the safety of people outside the halls. If required, do you have a responsible adult to bring and collect you from s and performances?Photograph Permission. *YesNoDo we have permission to use photographs of you on our website or social media pages?Read Behaviour Policy? *YesNoIf it applies, have you and your child read the Cave Players’ Behaviour Policy (on the website)?Read Constitution? *YesNoHave you read the Cave Players’ Constitution on our website?Future Productions *YesNoIn line with GDPR do Cave Players have your consent to contact you regarding Future Productions?Social Events? *YesNoIn line with GDPR do Cave Players have your consent to contact you regarding Social Events?Are you Parent/GuardianParent / Guardian *YesNoIf Parent / Guardian Relationship to IndividualSend MessagePlease do not fill in this field.